Saturday, July 05, 2008

Dress finished

With Belle's help, I finished the dress I was working on, lol. The trim on the bodice looks crooked because the duct tape form underneath the dress has been pulled out of shape by the kitten getting under the hoop I keep on that dress form and pulling it all out of shape. Of course, I'm crooked too, I have scoloiosis so all of my dresses have one shoulder a tad higher than the other. But back to the dress form and duct tape double; I'm going to have to redo the whole thing before I use it again. And yes, this is the dress that Belle wasn't happy about my taking the skirt away from her to pleat, but she managed to turn her attention to a new toy. Today I was sitting on the sofa doing hand work on the bodice and Belle kept pouncing on me and biting me. I finally put the sewing away and she immediately bounded up onto my lap very snuggly and cuddly for a nap...I guess she was overtired and cranky and wanted to use my lap for a bed for the afternoon nap. She is, in human years, only about 4 years old, and those afternoon naps are very important! I finally had to wake her up to go make supper and then I finished the hand work and put the skirt on the dress after eating. I need to make some lighter colored dresses, I noticed that most of my dresses are kind of dark in color. Still, I love the deep and rich purple color on this one.

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