Friday, March 16, 2007

Jonathan update-Walter Reed Hospital Appointment

Jon's appointment at Walter Reed went well, he says. His doctor said he had a very complicated case and called in another specialist to consult. The doc told Jon that the records he brought with him were very well organized and helpful, and they all discussed diagnosis probability and treatment options. The doc suspects either gall bladder malfunction, probably chronic pancreatitis with some calcification already occurring (bad news) possibly brought on by a genetic anomoly. Blood was drawn for both genetic testing as well as regular blood work ups. Jon has a gall bladder function test scheduled at Portsmouth Naval on Tuesday, then he will have to do the Capsule Biopsy (really cool, you swallow a capsule that contains a camera that transmits to a data recorder you wear around your waist while the test is being run), and then they're going to want to do an upper GI scope which is complicated and not at all fun for the patient. Jon will be going back to this doctor on March 30th to review the tests run today as well as the study to be done next week, and to decide which way to proceed. He was given pancreatic enzymes to help the pancreas assymilate the food he's eating, and also was told to go to the pain management clinic at Portsmouth to help him manage his pain medications. All in all, he's pretty much resigned himself to having an incurable disease, but the big thing right now is to get a difinitive diagnosis, to find out if there are any other things going on in the GI that are hurting the situation, and figuring out the best management plan to prolong his life and help manage the chronic pain. Jon was planning on going to the reenactment of the Battle of Williamsburg this weekend but he had such a hard time with the Endoscopy on Monday and visit to the ER because he was so sick on Tuesday that he probably won't go to the reenactment. You know the kid isn't feeling well when he gives up a chance to play Civil War. lol. It's raining right now anyhow and it's gotten cold so it's probably a good decision.

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