Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy Birthday, Belle!

It's hard to believe, but today is our girl Belle's First birthday, she's no longer a kitten and has now graduated to being a cat. She owns the house and is very sure of herself. She is no longer a baby, no longer even a teen, today she is an adult member of the cat family, but she's still Daddy's little girl.
It's hard to believe this little creature could change our lives so much, as we found her under the car when she was just a tiny little mewing kitten and at first didn't know if we'd even keep her. We were dog people, we didn't want cats, and here we are, thanks to Belle, with 3 of these sweet creatures that are sharing our home, and our life. We enjoy every second with them all and are now confirmed cat people (dogs too).
So here's to you, Belle. Happy Birthday, and thanks for ending up under our car and adopting us. Rosie's birthday is later this month, so by the beginning of May we'll have no kittens anymore.

1 comment:

Jody said...

What a beautiful and sweet kitty! I can't imagine life without my sweet kitty kids! The only complaint I have is that they harrass me in the morning if I don't get up to get their breakfast on time :)