Sunday, January 15, 2006

A tale of surprise and excitement!

This week, my DS (Jon) started his first "real job" which he loves and is very good at. Thursday night he called me to ask if he could come over after work, and of course, I always love spending time with him so it was an automatic yes! Well, look what he brought me...this is a 12-string guitar. There's a story to why he thought to bring this for me. When I was in high schoo, my dad bought me a 12-string. I'd played quite a bit back then and used to take it or my 6 string camping with the Scouts all the time. Then I moved a couple of times, ending up in Denver where my kids were born. My DD's dad for some reason "lent" my guitar to a neighbor when we separated and he had most of my things in storage until I was able to get set up. (sigh. A long time ago but it still makes me sad and angry.) Of course, the neighbor never gave it back, (DUH) so I lost it forever. Every time I'd see someone using one (John Denver used to play the 12 string a lot) on TV I'd mourn for my lost guitar, even though I don't play much anymore. So here comes Jon with this beautiful and brand new 12-string guitar for me. I'm tearing up as I write was so incredibly considerate of him to remember the story and know that it would be a perfect gift, and I'm so touched that I can't even express it in words. So THANK YOU!!!!! more ways that you know. :) I love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is the sweetest story I've heard in a really long time. It is amazing the memories our loved ones retain, and use those memories to surprise us. Thanks for the great story.