Thursday, March 09, 2006

Trying to get back to the usual me :)

I had thought I'd have at least a picture of the beginnings of my "RoseMarkie" vest to show for the last two night's knitting. I had cast on and knit about 8 or 9 rows of the two colored (on my 4th color addition) ribbing. On a brand new size 2 circular needle. I carefully checked before joining the stitches to make sure there wasn't a twist on the new and therefore by nature, twisted needle. I've been home from work sick with clogged ears and this cold, so the only knitting I've been doing has been while watching TV. I guess I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. I don't know what made me double check, but all of a sudden, I thought "I should look at how the colors come together in the evolving ribbing" and all of a sudden I realize what I'm seeing. That's right. A moibus. Now, no proper lady would ever use any questionable language when she found out what has happened and that she has to rip out two night's work, of course. And after blaming the pattern designer for good measure, I had to take the responsibility that I'd messed up. I tried to come up with a quick fix that would allow me to continue knitting, but there just wasn't one. And it doesn't affect my mood at all that it's PMS time and my sinus' feel like there are garden gnomes in them with pickaxes. Sigh. The moibus is now ripped out, but I don't think I have the heart to start again tonight. So here's my picture for today's post, I'll bet these guys are laughing at me behind my back. I suppose they never knit Moibus's unless they plan on them...

1 comment:

LadyV said...

I feel your pain...I've had my little bout with sinus flare ups recently and I've also had to rip out a project so, I hear ya! Sounds like you are at least willing to start your project again; I'm still pondering :-)