Today is September 11. It's been 4 years since that horrific day when the world changed forever. An airline is like a family. You get to know other crew members when you travel with them on trips, overnight sometimes, sometimes many nights in a row. You get to know them white chatting, eating, waiting, doing everyting together, basically living together flight to flight, and you grow to depend on each other. Sometimes you only interact with another crew member for a brief point in time, but you still bond, you become family, you learn about each other. You know that if there is ever any one of the many emergencies that we've been trained for, you will be able to depend on each other, regardless of what base you're from, where you live, or anything else that you have going on in life. You are a crew, you are a cohesive unit, you are together, even if it's only for one leg. You see, there's always a lot of attention given to Ground Zero in New York and to the Pentagon, as there should be as so very many good and innocent people died in those places, but what really gets to me is right outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in a quiet field at the edge of the woods..
When the crew boarded that 757 that Tuesday morning, the same 757 that I've flown in the past (as had most of the flight attendants in the system at some time), they had no idea how their day was going to end. It could have been any of us flying that day, I was on a 757 between Baltimore and Denver when it all started happening. You see, I knew more folks on that airplane than I did on any of the other planes that went down. I know that the first people to lose their lives, even before the flight "ended" were Flight Attendants and Pilots, trying to the end to comprehend what was going on, and trying to help their passengers. Good people that, like everyone else that died on September 11, 2001, did not deserve their fate. Jason and Leroy, Lorraine, Sandy, Bob, Wanda, and CeCe. Lets not forget them either.
Sorry, there's no fiber content in this post. The fleeces and roving can wait.
Lots of HUGs for you ((((Vicki))))
*thoughts, tears and lumps in the throat*
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