Friday, September 09, 2005

Another FO

Today I finished the second Andean style headband using the same exotic fiber as the one I completed last month. The new one is on the bottom. The white is yak, the light brown camel, and the dark brown buffalo down. The first one I made was much larger than this one, I was very nervous about allowing enough yarn in the stranding and got a bit carried away. The new one fits just fine! I'd thought about using the buffalo on the border ribbing but the yarn was too fragile. I'm playing with color and not really sure which one I like better. I asked dh what he thought, and being the diplomatic husband that he is, he said he liked them both!


Alison said...

Both are very pretty, but I think I like the bottom one a little better. Very nice.

LadyV said...

I like them both too but the bottom one is my favorite.

Pugknits said...

Yay, another headband*happy dance* i like them both.