Sunday, November 23, 2008

Visit to Boyds Bear Barn in Gettysburg

The pictures kind of got scrambled in this blog entry, but they are all of our "field trip" on Friday up to the Boyds Bear Barn outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Aidan's Birthday was Monday so his mom and dad and grandma and grandpa took him to build a bear and generally enjoy the great place.
They have all kinds of bears of every size and description, and it's a fantastic place to go and look...but be warned, there is sure to be a new friend that will want to come home with you.
Aidan got to go to the Boyds Build a bear Workshop and he got his very own hard hat and time card and got to pick out a bear with his mom and dad's help.

The barn is 4 stories tall with a cafeteria in the lower level and 3 other levels of bears and rooms of animals and other neat things. This is a view down the big entry hall near where you go upstairs to the build a bear area.

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